Our experts take the floor!
Discover Teethan in clinical practice.

What is the vertical dimension of occlusion?

The vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) is defined as the distance between the upper and lower jaws when the teeth are in contact in maximum intercuspation.

The impact of the loss of the vertical dimension on aesthetics

A change in vertical dimension of occlusion causes temporomandibular disorders, as well as compromising the aesthetic relationship between the upper and lower incisors.

How Teethan supports the recovery of the vertical dimension

Occlusal balance examinations with Teethan measure the balance of the activity of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles in maximum intercuspation. With good symmetry (POC), a well positioned centre of gravity (BAR) and in the absence of torsion (TORS), the IMPACT index, which measures the work of the masticatory muscles, is directly related to the vertical dimension.

What is the difference between a bite plane and an orthotic splint?

The bite plane serves to eliminate occlusal interference that can affect jaw movement by deprogramming the masticatory muscles to achieve muscle relaxation. The orthotic splint, on the other hand, in addition to decontracting the muscles, works on the mandibular dislocations to reposition the jaw in its correct position.

When should you opt for the bite plane or the orthotic splint (or repositioning plates)?

Generally, the orthotic splint is the most efficient solution for solving or reducing problems with the masticatory system in the presence of dental malocclusions, temporomandibular joint dysfunctions, and teeth grinding. In certain cases, however, daytime use of the plane is advisable in addition to night-time use, and it is therefore necessary to adopt an appliance that permits communication, such as the functionalised bite plane.

Teethan's support in the choice of splint

Teethan examinations measure the force exerted by the masticatory muscles (IMPACT) and describe the position of the patient's occlusal centre of gravity (BAR). Cross-analysis of these parameters makes it possible to base the choice of treatment on objective data specific to the patient in question. They also make it possible to monitor the progress of muscle relaxation for the restoration of occlusal balance.

What is the orthotic splint?

The orthotic splint (or positioning plate) works on the mandibular dislocations to reposition the jaw in its correct position, as well as decontracting the muscles.

Postural problems caused by bruxism

Bruxism is excessive activity of the muscles that move the jaw, mainly at night. This can affect posture, leading to contractions of the back, trapezius and shoulder blade muscles, often followed by a sense of postural instability when walking.

Teethan's support in establishing the best orthotic splint therapy

Functional tests allow us to analyse the patient's occlusal situation by assessing the deviation of the temporal and masseter muscles from their physiological condition. The presence of anatomical landmarks is an indication of possible postural problems that need to be corrected through occlusal balancing.

What is mandibular asymmetry?

Mandibular asymmetry consists of a lateral shift to the right or left of the chin and the midline between the two central incisors.

Cervical problems resulting from altered jaw position

The skeletal asymmetry of the occlusal plane is due more to the altered position of the jaw than to the shape of the jaw. Mandibular dysfunction must also lead to an analysis of cervical mobility, as deviation from the physiological values of the jaw position affects the natural position of the skull, with a potentially risky cervical load (CL - TMJOINT).

Teethan supports the correction of mandibular asymmetry

Teethan indices, such as the degree of torsion and inclination of the plane of occlusion, allow the intermaxillary relationship to be assessed in order to construct an orthodontic therapy suitable for correcting mandibular dysfunction.

What is a diastema?

Diastema is a term that indicates the presence of a large space between two adjoining teeth, which is especially typical of the upper incisors.

What problems does a diastema cause?

The main problem caused by a diastema is one of an aesthetic nature, as the patient has a noticeable gap between the teeth.

How Teethan supports aesthetic corrections

Teethan is also useful for cosmetic procedures. The functional analysis of occlusal balance makes it possible to guide the treatment of diastema correction and crowding in the lower jaw.

What are temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathologies?

TMJ disorders are also known as temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), and affect the bone structures, masticatory muscles and ligaments at the temporomandibular level. TMJ pathology is multifactorial and can be caused by blunt trauma, condyle fractures, ankylosis, condylar hyperplasia, rheumatoid arthritis, benign and malignant neoplasms.

When TMJ pathology is defined as irreducible

Irreducible temporomandibular joint pathology represents an event in which the articular disc is displaced from its natural location but cannot be recaptured by the mandibular condyle in any of the possible mandibular movements.

The added value of Teethan in orthodontic therapy

To correct temporomandibular dysfunction there is a phase with conservative treatment and the use of mobile intra-oral appliances, but in some cases surgery is necessary. In the evaluation phase, the Teethan analysis is essential for accurately measuring the occlusal load balance within the mouth.

What is prosthetic rehabilitation?

Prosthetic rehabilitation is a dental speciality that includes diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the masticatory function, oral health, and aesthetics of patients with compromised or missing teeth.

What types of prosthetic rehabilitation exist?

There are two types of prosthesis: fixed and removable. The former are anchored by the dentist by means of cementation and cannot be removed by the patient (fixed prostheses include crowns, bridges and dentures on implants, as well as ceramic veneers). Removable prostheses replace whole or part of the arches and can be removed and repositioned by the patient at any time.

The role of Teethan in prosthetic rehabilitation

In any type of prosthetic rehabilitation, in addition to the anatomical criteria, Teethan complements the clinical assessment by providing descriptive indicators of the vertical dimension and occlusal centre of gravity from the outset.

What is occlusal balancing?

Occlusal balancing is a procedure that aims to remove small interferences that deviate the nominal contact points of the two jaws.

The importance of neuromuscular analysis in implant-prosthetic rehabilitation

Neuromuscular analysis, together with anatomical and aesthetic criteria, is fundamental during the workflow for the construction of a prosthesis.

The Teethan examination in finalising fixed complete dentures

The results provided by Teethan make it possible to highlight the values that most influence the future outcome of a prosthesis, such as prognosis, ceramic stability, the quality of the closure, and the occurrence of TMJ pathologies.

What is full-mouth rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses?

Full-mouth rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses is a technique aimed at prosthetically rehabilitating a totally or partially edentulous arch, both from a functional and aesthetic point of view, and carrying out implant-prosthetic recovery in a short time.

What can be hidden behind an aesthetically pleasing fixed prosthesis?

Aesthetic success does not always correspond to functional success. Limiting oneself to the use of analogue instruments to check the balance of the contact points and the correctness of the protrusive may not reveal the underlying causes that lead the patient to complain of a feeling of muscle fatigue and/or chipping of the ceramic at a certain point.

The added value of Teethan in rehabilitation with implant-supports prostheses

The introduction of digital analysis of masticatory muscle activity allows analysis of the balance between the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles in determining the position of the centre of gravity. Among the data returned by the Teethan reports, IMPACT gives insight into the condition of the vertical dimension of the patient.

What is Edentulism?

This is a pathology that can be divided into two main clinical forms: Partial edentulism, when a patient is missing some teeth, and complete edentulism, when all teeth are missing. The latter form can affect both arches or just one arch.

What discomfort can result from a prosthesis on removable stumps?

In the case of partial edentulism, the stumps on which the prosthesis is built may, in the long term, become mobile and the vertical dimension may be compromised, to the point of causing aesthetic and functional discomfort in the dental occlusion.

The importance of digital tools in edentulous rehabilitation

Teethan is a valuable guide for the entire rehabilitation process, from the first visit to the post-operative check-up. Teethan examinations provide useful data, firstly to create a 3D prototype of the prosthesis, and then to verify the success of the operation.

What does splinting consist of?

This is a non-invasive technique used following the removal of an orthodontic appliance or in cases of periodontitis. Splinting involves the installation of a wire, usually made of metal, from canine to canine, passing through the incisors.

Consequences of splint-induced occlusal instability

Natural, or splint-induced, tooth displacement can cause tension headaches and tinnitus related to occlusal imbalance and, with it, muscle activity.

The importance of objective data in occlusal balance analysis

Digital occlusal analysis provides objective data that allow the splint to be calibrated to achieve balanced, symmetrical muscle activity with physiological energy use. Therefore, the POC, IMPACT and BAR indices are good allies in reducing headaches and tinnitus.

A malocclusion can create chewing discomfort

Changes within the mouth, such as the loss of a tooth, overload the masseter and anterior temporal muscles that work to maintain the position of the jaw. This results in more uncomfortable chewing due to loss of occlusal balance.

What is condylar-discal TMJ incoordination?

A case of uncomfortable chewing can occur in the presence of condylar-discal incoordination of the TMJ. This is a disorder in which the joint disc is located outside its usual location. This displacement is linked to the alignment or stretching of the ligaments responsible for maintaining it in the correct position following joint trauma.

Digital analysis to solve condylar-discal TMJ incoordination

The Teethan examination shows the position of the occlusal centre of gravity and the direction of mandibular torsion, on which orthodontic treatment should be based. Based on Teethan reports, a suitable split is created to balance the dental occlusion, thus reducing the problem of incoordination.

What is meant by dento-skeletal asymmetry?

It is asymmetry either at the skeletal level, when the jaw and jawbone have not developed equally, or at the dental level, due to the lack of one or more teeth linked to a genetic factor or to a displacement of teeth adjacent to an extracted tooth

When to intervene on a dento-skeletal asymmetry on a purely orthodontic level?

In the case of asymmetry due to a dental factor and in the case of unmarked skeletal asymmetry, corrective orthodontic treatment can be carried out. In the case of obvious jaw imbalances, orthognathic surgery is necessary.

Teethan support in correcting dento-skeletal asymmetry

In the case of tooth asymmetry, the orthodontist's goal is to restore symmetry with a dental implant. The Teethan examination is an indispensable tool for understanding the values on which to base orthodontic treatment, suitable for balancing the dental occlusion and thus reducing the problem of incoordination.

What does periodontitis mean?

Periodontitis is an infectious bacterial disease affecting the tissues that are responsible for keeping teeth firmly in their natural location in the mouth.

What are the first symptoms of periodontitis?

In addition to genetic factors, other causes of periodontitis are malocclusion, poor routine hygiene, smoking and poor diet. Early warning signs include bad breath, gum recession and bleeding, abscesses and abrasions.

Pre- and post-treatment comparison with Teethan in cases of periodontitis

Teethan allows you to check the prevalence of the masseter muscles on the anterior temporalis and vice versa. If one muscle pair is working harder than the other, outside the physiological ranges, re-balancing takes place, a possible cause of periodontitis. On the basis of the Teethan examination indices, action can be taken to modify the contact points and normalise the values.

What is meant by a muscle lock of the temporomandibular joint?

This occurs when one is unable to open the mouth due to a mandibular dysfunction originating at muscular or articular level, following muscular contractures induced by hyperactivity of the masticatory muscles.

What symptoms can be associated with a TMJ blockage?

In addition to radiating pain in the face and rattling noises when opening and closing the mouth, a TMJ muscle lock can lead to headaches, facial and ear pain, dizziness and hearing problems.

The Teethan examination in the osteopathic treatment of patients with muscular lock

The neuromuscular analysis of the masticatory muscles with Teethan makes it possible to understand how these muscles work, what the position of the occlusal centre of gravity is and whether torsion is present. The patient is advised to undergo osteopathic treatment accompanied by splint therapy, monitoring muscle activity over time.

When do we talk about dental malocclusion?

When the teeth of the upper jaw are not perfectly aligned with those of the lower jaw, there is an abnormal relationship between the teeth of the lower jaw and those of the upper jaw, which is called malocclusion.

Malocclusion can have physical repercussions

Unbalanced occlusion can cause physical problems. If we add to this condition the overload due to heavy physical work, severe joint and muscle pain and sciatica can occur.

The importance of Teethan analysis in case of malocclusion

Rehabilitative treatment by a dentist, combined with that of an osteopath, is in many cases the winning solution for correcting malocclusion. Teethan makes it possible to assess the initial situation of the patient with objective data and to monitor the progress of the rehabilitation over time.

What is bruxism?

It is understood to be a fairly common condition caused by the involuntary contraction of the chewing muscles. It occurs when a person grinds their teeth, rubbing the upper jaw against the lower jaw or clenching their jaws with some force.

Bruxism can be responsible for unbalanced occlusion

With bruxism, the muscle activity of the masseter and anterior temporalis may often be out of balance, causing orofacial muscle pain.

The importance of Teethan when assessing a patient with bruxism

The Teethan examination allows the condition reported by the patient to be verified by analysing muscle activity. Consistently using a night-time bite splint, reducing the tendency to grind the teeth, combined with osteopathic treatment, can improve the patient's condition.